Monday, February 19, 2007

Letter from Monday Feb 19th, 2007

Hey all! Thanks for letters and emails from everyone! Especially the valentines from all my international family! I loved them! Thanks also for your continual prayers, fasts, and love. They help a ton.

So this week was interesting. My favorite part was p-day because I am good friends with Elder Whiting. He is new, but we quote movie lines all the time. I also saw a drugstore that is Dumbo purple called Porthos. LOL!

The weather here is like Merlin’s germ “followed by hot and cold flashes”. We had rain, sun, wind, and fall is setting in early. I had a funny thought when we were knocking doors the other day. “The police are here...I am the police and they are with me...we have all your friends outside in a paddy wagon...” from Signs. I was laughing so hard. This was the “undead monkey” experience for the week. 

We have a baptism this coming Friday. Our investigator’s name is Viviana Baigorria. She is really excited and I will have to tell you all about it next week. She is about 16 years old.

Oh, cool scripture experience. We read Alma 37 and talked about how we don’t feel our pain anymore when we repent and then I applied that to the other aspects of our lives because the Savior suffered for everything (see Alma 7: 11-13).

¡Felicitaciones a Marcela y Milton con su bautismo! Me alegre tanto en saber de ustedes. Sigue adelante. Con amor, Hna. Brichu 

Jay, my wonderful kindred spirit, como andas, vos? Saludos a todos. Suerte con sus estudios. I want you to remember something. “You are sure to do impossible things if you follow your heart.” Without thinking about anything else, take some time and find out what the missionaries are teaching you means for you. Hugs and kisses! I’m always here if you need me.

Taty, ¡hola! ¿me hagas un favor? ¿Leerá el libro que dejé que se llama Nuesto Búsqueda para la felicidad? Puede ayudarle entender todo que estamos compartiendo. Hay esperanza y las familias pueden ser unidas para siempre. Ud. Solamente necesita alcanzarlas. ¡Abrazos! Hna. Madsen

Love all always!

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