Tuesday, August 29, 2006

“I think we should decide now-just so we´re ready when the time comes!”

We are working in a ward on the outskirts of Madryn and it is totally awesome. The people here love us so much, but we are now working to gain their trust. We hardly ever teach a second lesson here.

Language wise, I can pretty much understand the gist of what people are saying, but I seriously need to start speaking more. My companion, Hna. Evans, is from California. She and I get along great!

My area is beautiful and we went to the caves where the Welsh people first lived when they arrived and settled here in the 1800s. It was totally fun! We went as a zone. My zone has 6 Elders and us Hermanas.

We had Mission Conference this week. I loved it! It was all in Spanish and I could understand everything. That was such a blessing, as were all of your emails!
I look forward to letters too, but it is impossible to write letters back. Therefore, my blogged update will have to be my letters to my friends. Sorry! Hope to hear from you all!

Funny story-I have strange dreams and sometime this week in one of my dreams, my companion and I were having a conversation, by moving our sleeping bags. It was kind of like signal fires or something. It was so funny! Oh, and I do have a bed. My sleeping bag is my covers, because we don´t have blankets.

More next week! Love all always!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

This is April! I made it to Argenitna!

After L.A. we flew to Lima. I didn´t sleep, but everyone else did. After our layover there, we flew to Argentina. Once we got here, we went to the temple! It was marvelous! I was really dirty though. Then that afternoon, we flew to Neuquen! It was beautiful! I love it here!

We spent a night at the mission home and a day of instruction. That night we left by bus to our areas. I am here serving on the coast just below the Valdez Peninsula in a beautiful place called Puerto Madryn (yes it is Welsh!) They have the most beautiful dogs here! I love it! My companion is Hermanna Evans from California. She has helped me so much!

I have loved everything I have eaten here. I don´t remember what anything is called, but I have liked it. We walk a lot and golp a ton. (Golpear=to knock doors, or in our case stand outside the gate and clap.)

We´ve been fodged a lot. (fallar=juked) That hasn´t bothered me surprisingly enough. I love the people. We are teaching mostly Bolivians right now. The branch is small, but the people are wonderful. I don´t have a district, but my zone has some great Elders. Elder Coon is funny and Elder White already has 2 little girlfriends. (smiley) I don´t know the other Elders well yet.

Here we greet each other with ¿Como anda? (how´s it going?) I keep saying ¡Que onda! (what a wave!) LOL! It´s awesome! I look forward to mail Mondays (since that´s the only time I´ll get to do it.

Hope to hear from you all!

Love always,
April Vay

ps. Matt. 11:28-30

Friday, August 18, 2006

Argentina...The Final Frontier

Monday the 14th, April shipped out for an almost day-and-a-half trip to her mission in Argentina.

I've been meaning to write about this all week, ever since I got her most recent letter, the last letter she would be sending from the MTC. I then realized I was not getting around to it, so I figured I better get moving so everyone could have the latest scoop on what was going on.

She left Utah...sometime in the morning, and had a 1+ hour layover in Los Angeles. While in L.A. she had time to use some spare change and what she had left on her phone card to call home.

I do know that she was grateful that no one was able to travel to L.A. to see her, or that they were not able to see her leave at the SLC airport. She said she knew it would have made it really hard to leave "again" after being away from home for 9 weeks.

From L.A. she was to fly into Lima, Peru, arriving about 1am, then a 5-7 hour flight into Argentina.

Word from the Mission Home has not been received if she has arrived safely, so pray that all is well, that the culture shock won't be too terrible and that she'll get lost in the work.