Monday, January 29, 2007

Letter from Jan 29, 2007

Thank you all so much for your love and prayers! Thanks for keeping me up to date too. I haven’t had time to read the letters yet so I will try to answer questions next week if I remember.

This week is transfers and I am leaving my lovely home in Puerto Madryn to serve up north in Zapala, Neuquen. My new companion will be Hna. Riquelme. We’ll see how it all goes. Transfers are today, as well as P-day so we’ve been all over the place.

Cool things of the week. I spent time with my favorite people here in Madryn (Jay, Marcela, Milton, Tobias). They all went to church too! Jay even brought a friend! That was so cool! These people are such examples for me. I can’t think of anything else to share with y’all for the week. I need to finish getting ready to leave. We are going to spend the day with Jay and Marcela and Milton!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Calling all friends...

As is the case with every missionary the work can be hard and lack of progress from your investigators can be a negative experience. I know, I served a mission myself.

If anyone has seen those Church produced missionary videos that depict missionary work, very rarely do those kind of awesome experiences happen - if ever - in one's missionary experiences.

So I would encourage all who know April and or read this blog to send her a letter.

By the way, I've just realized that I have been making posts as April for over 6 months...silly me.

Cody Administrator - in April's absence.

Letter from Monday Jan 15, 2007

It’s not too humid, but it’s definitely not as dry as Utah. It is summer now. Contacts are improving, as I actually get to do some and my companion is wonderful. My Castellano is definitely improving. ;) There are butterflies in Argentina but I haven’t seen very many. Missionary life is hard but definitely rewarding. I love it!

Our investigators are wonderful. We are going to put a new baptismal date with Marcela and Milton. All the Bolivians are progressing very slowly. I love visiting Jay, especially with a member friend (his and ours) named Wendy. It is so great to have the members help us. The Spirit is in the lessons more and Jay now has someone, besides us to talk to about the Gospel. I’ve known for a while that all he needed was a friend, especially since we, as missionaries, can’t be there all the time, even though we wish we could be. Gladys and Juan are not married, and we are helping them get their Argentine document (DNI) so they can get married. They are great!

Cool story of the week is that we had Conference with President Cook and Elder Bowen. It was good, the Spirit was there, and yeah. The best part of it was that I was in Trelew and we passed a Welsh chapel and I saw a Welsh word and then we walked through a beautiful park. The Welsh stuff made me happy and I was sad not to have more time to stay. We’ll see if I get to have more Welsh as the mission goes on. I love Welsh things! Anyway, more next week. Love all tons! Hugs and snuggles!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Letter from January 1, 2007

Hey all! Happy New Year! So, many of you (I’m sure) have been wondering what the holidays are like here in Argentina. Well, I don’t know, since I am in my apartment when all the fun begins, but they do have fireworks on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. All I have to say about it is, “I love school.”

It was wonderful to talk to everyone on Christmas! Thanks also to the fam for the package and socks! Thanks to Diane, the fam, and Sam for letters! That meant so much!

This week the weather has been “intense.” Or in other words, windy. It has been lovely. And the cool story of the week is that we tried to do a contact in Quechua. Neither of us speaks Quechua, the native language of the Bolivians, but we tried and the little old lady was wonderful. We didn’t get in.

We haven’t gone whale watching, because the whales are gone now. They are farther south. Sad!

So to answer everyone’s questions, I’m doing great! My area is relatively small. There are no restaurants in my area. There are about 20 or more Kiosks. We work in about 5 neighborhoods, but one of them is a bunch of apartment buildings. There are probably more people in Roca than in all the rest of my area.

We have two people scheduled for baptism, Marcela and Milton who just got married. The ward is wonderful and we are going to put more effort into working with them.

Our mission leader is great and is a big help! Hno. Garcia has a great testimony of this gospel and loves to help us out.

Zone Conferences are pretty good. We learn a lot. The only temple in Argentina is in Buenos Aires. We are a two hour flight away if we are in Neuquen, and I am 10 hours away from Neuquen by bus. We have the wonderful blessing of having a church building. It is just a couple of blocks from our apartment. I love it here!

I think that’s all for this week! Love always!